How long after pedicure can I workout

After a pedicure, it's generally recommended to wait at least 24 hours before engaging in strenuous physical activities, including workouts. This allows the nail polish and any treatments to fully dry and set, reducing the risk of smudging or chipping. The chemicals in nail polish and other pedicure products need time to harden and adhere properly to your nails.

How long after pedicure can I workout

However, keep in mind that the exact time frame can vary based on the type of pedicure you've had, the products used, and your specific circumstances. It's a good idea to consult with the professional who performed the pedicure or follow any recommendations they may have provided.

If you're concerned about damaging your pedicure, you can also consider alternative forms of exercise that don't put as much stress on your feet, such as gentle stretching, yoga, or upper-body workouts. Always prioritize your comfort and the longevity of your pedicure when planning your activities.

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