Can you wear shoes after a gel pedicure

It is generally recommended to wait until your gel pedicure is completely dry and cured before wearing shoes. Gel polish requires special UV or LED light to set and set properly, and it usually takes a few minutes under the light to ensure the nail polish has fully set.

Can you wear shoes after a gel pedicure

Wearing shoes too soon after a gel pedicure has the potential to cause the polish to run or damage, resulting in an uneven or less lasting finish. To be safe, it's best to wait at least 2-3 hours after your pedicure before wearing closed shoes. If you're unsure, you can ask the nail technician who performed the pedicure for specific recommendations, as drying times can vary based on the brand of nail polish and the curing kit used.

If you're in a hurry and need to get your shoes on quickly, you might consider wearing open-toed shoes or sandals that don't put too much pressure on your nails. However, to make sure your gel pedicure lasts, it's best to wait until the nail polish has completely cured before wearing closed-toed shoes.

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